Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tip of the Week - October 8, 2012

For students with the graduation year of:

2012 and Below: 30-3-2. Time to study! Maximize your time by using the 30-3-2 study method. Study intensely for 30 minutes then take a 3 minute break to think about other things or get a drink of water. When you return to study, take 2 minutes to mentally recall information from the previous 30 minute session before starting in on the next.

2013:  Be on the lookout for local scholarships. Your guidance office will be a great resource for finding these. Check with the local Rotary Club, Historical Societies, or Academic Boosters club for awards for students in your town. These will usually be in the $500-$2,000 range, which can really help in the financing of your education.

2014:  Start something new! If you have considered the clubs and organizations your high school has to offer and found nothing that interests you, you might want to consider forming your own. What are you passionate about? Who do you know who has the same interests? Once you have determined these factors, talk to a teacher who can help you turn your ideas into action!

2015 and Above:  Start thinking about how to best approach the SAT and ACT. 
Now that you are in high school and working hard to keep your GPA and course selection at the highest possible level, you should also be thinking about how to best approach taking the SAT and ACT tests.  These tests are crucial in placement at your preferred colleges.

Strategies for you to consider would be to start reading the Wall Street Journal, Novels-especially the classics, National Geographic magazine, and the daily newspaper.  Books, magazines and texts that are rich in vocabulary and thought-provoking ideas are what you want to include in your activities during your high school years.  Since you have time to strengthen your vocabulary skills, you do not need to speed read or memorize terms each week, but rather take a more relaxed approach in which you can enjoy learning and building your skill level.


Your Friends at Ensphere College Planning Services

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