Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tips of the Week - October, 22, 2012

For students with the graduation year of:

2015 & Above: Check-in with your teachers.   See what grades you have in each of your classes.  If you are unhappy with your current grade, ask your teacher what you can do to improve. Create a timeline with your teacher to monitor your progress.

2014: What are you looking for in a college?  There are many factors to consider in finding the right college.  As you begin your college search, take time to consider these factors: location, student body, academics, and type (ex. public or private). Having a clear picture will help you in your college search.

2013:  Healthy Habits for test taking.  There are many healthy habits that you can begin right now to prepare for the SAT on Saturday, November 3. Getting enough rest is always important. Be sure that you are getting a good night’s sleep the 3 nights prior to the test. Eat a healthy breakfast to provide you with the fuel you will need to stay alert throughout the test. Also, light exercise can help you to focus. Taking a ten minute walk before the test may help alleviate any pre-exam jitters. Remember to take deep breaths. One question at a time!

2012 & Below:  Stay on track! With the majority of midterms being over, now is the time to create goals for the second half of the semester. Take another look at your syllabus for each class to determine how many more assignments, papers, and tests you will have before the end of the course. Make an appointment with your professors outside of class during their office hours to discuss your current grades and ways to improve if needed.


Your Friends at Ensphere College Planning Services

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