Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tip of the Week - September 3, 2012

For students with the graduation year of:

2008-2012: Stay alert to stress, anxiety, and emotions.  It is very easy to become overwhelmed by a rigorous course schedule, money problems, or by time commitments for clubs or sports.  If you begin to have problems managing your stress and are falling behind visit health services for help getting back on track.

2013: Stay organized.  Throughout the next few months you will need to keep track of application deadlines and what information has been sent your schools.  Create a list or chart for yourself to keep track of what information has been sent to your schools and what still needs to be sent.

2014: Check-in with your guidance counselor.  Make sure your course credits will meet college requirements at the type of schools you want to attend.  You should also inquire if any college representatives will be visiting your high school or your community this fall.

2015 & Above: Make your ideas about your future known.  If your parents and teachers are aware of your ideas about college or career possibilities then they will be able to help you explore your ideas.  By exploring your ideas now you will be able to have a good idea of what you would like to study in college.


Your Friends at Ensphere College Planning Services

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